Making Choices in 2017!
Every year we make choices that affect our lives. 2017 will be no different. Every moment of every day we choose what to think and what to do.
Joshua challenged the Israelites to worship the Lord, Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve. He then concludes, but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15 NASB95).
As we begin a new year, it is both a time for reflection and a time for anticipation. But don’t focus on the regrets—the things you wish you hadn’t done. Or, the things you should have done. 2016 is over. Learn from the past, but don’t concentrate on the bad memories. Commit them to the Lord and move on.
It is important to forgive those who have offended you. Don’t start the New Year with broken relationships. And be sure to remember the blessings. Make a list of things you are thankful for.
Most people have made New Year’s resolutions—only to break them within a few days. A new year is a good time to think carefully about our decisions and our goals for the future. Choose the best! Not the most convenient. Not the most desired. Set aside those things that are distracting you and keeping you from God’s best. Choose this day—this year—whom you will serve! Seek Him first!
This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).
Gwendolyn Triggs says
Peggi, you said everything I want to say. You are so resourceful.
Thank you,
Gwendolyn Triggs
Peggi Klubnik says
Thank you, Gwendolyn.
Linda says
That is great, Peggi! Keep those inspirational, short messages coming…We need them!
Peggi Klubnik says
Thanks for your encouragement, Linda.
Timothy W Milligan says
Thank you for your post. You are truly a blessing from God. Your life and ministry reflects His promises
Peggi Klubnik says
Thanks for your gracious comments. God bless!