AN INTERPRETIVE STUDY ON PSALM 90 The Ninetieth Psalm is a masterpiece, archetypal of all Hebrew hymnic literature, a prism through which the rest of the book of Psalms is refracted. Alexander regards it as the “heart or centre of the whole collection” and a model upon which David formed… Read More
An Introduction to the Book of Proverbs The pithy sayings in this book of wisdom were chiefly written or collected by King Solomon and were composed either from his own experiences or observations of Hebrew life. They contain concrete, verifiable incidents of Jewish existence in the land of Palestine in the… Read More
An Outline of the Book of Romans: Justification by Faith
by Peggi Klubnik The significance of Romans and the doctrine of justification by faith is confirmed by Augustine, who considered the book to be “the most basic, most comprehensive statement of true Christianity.” Martin Luther described Romans as the “chief part of the New Testament and the very purest gospel.” The acceptance of… Read More