Suicide is defined as the premature self-killing of an individual. There are several biblical examples of suicide: Judas (Matt. 27:5) Saul (1 Sam. 31:4) Samson (Jud. 16:28-30) Abimelech (Jud. 9:50-51).
There are several arguments sometimes used to support suicide from the Bible. Since there are biblical examples for suicide, some claim that this sets precedence for its practice today. Also it is believed that people have the right to determine their own destiny. It is their life. Some believe that if a believer commits suicide, that believer will not lose their salvation, but will just home to be with the Lord sooner.
If a person is the cause of hardship, financial burden and personal sacrifices of the family then they sometimes believe that suicide can solve all their problems. Suicide provides immediate relief from life’s problems such as terminal illness.
However, the examples of suicide in the Bible do not warrant its practice any more than adultery in the Bible warrants adultery. Suicide really demonstrates a lack of faith in the promises of God (1 Cor. 10:13; Phil. 4:6-7; 4:13, 19). It is God who has a plan for each person’s life and destiny. People are individually accountable to God for their actions (Eph. 1:11; 1 Cor. 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10; Rev. 20:11-15; 1 Sam. 2:7). Suicide is an act of self-indulgence and self-pity that cuts short God’s plan for a person’s life. It is an attempt to gain immediate relief apart from the will of God (1 Cor. 10:13). In Exodus 20:13, suicide could be classified as another form of murder, in this case, self murder.
Perhaps the most critical argument against suicide is that it irrevocably determines a person’s destiny. The suicide of a believer means that they will no longer fulfill the will of God in their lives. Suicide of an unbeliever eternally determines their eternal destiny in eternal judgment (Heb. 9:27; Rev. 20:11-15). Suicide is not an example of self-sacrifice, but an act of selfishness. It is another form of premeditated murder (Exo. 10:13). It is in direct contrast to Christ’s death on the cross and His sacrifice for others (Eph. 5:28-29, 33; Matt. 22:39).
There is a radical difference between suicide and Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself on the cross for the sins of others (Phil. 2:5-9, 2 Cor 5:21). One is an act of selflessness and the other an act of selfishness. It is saying I don’t believe God’s promises so I will end my life prematurely. It can be viewed an act of pride by saying that “I am the only person in the world in which the promises of God don’t apply.”
In summary, suicide minimizes the value of human life. God considered human life important in two ways: 1) He created it, 2) He sent His Son to give His life for those who would lose their lives because of sin (Rom. 3:23; 6:23).
Bobby says
Grace and peace to you in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST who’s grace is sufficient in all things.
I pray this e mail gets to the leaders of the ministery. growing up I had a trouble life and many times consider taking my on life. My grandmother put fear in my heart saying boy your going straight to hell if you kill your self. Many of times i had the gun to my head ready to ended all. this is a serious issue that is being discussed over the air waves from time to time. I pray i don’t offend you but I don’t believe a true born again Christian saved by grace through true saving faith will get to a point to take his or her on life for God’s grace is sufficient in all things. After surrendering my life to Jesus Christ I don’t even entertain the thought of taking my life even through these fiery trials i am now going through. Many will looking at samson but samson sought the LORD at the end of his life dying doing the will of God killing more enemies than previous yrs. theirs times I have gotten like Job saying i wish i was never born or like elijah saying to the LORd I have nothing to live for take my life but God grace is sufficient which keep me by the power of the Holy Spirit for Greater is HE that is in us than He that is in the world. what about the Christian who dies after have a serious arguement with someone. that’s totally different because that person didnt make the plans to die after having a arguement. Beautiful scripture when Jesus say no one can take you from my fathers hand. In The Hand of God who is able to keep us from falling Jude 24 into such a state to take our own life. the one I read about who took his own life was judas who was not born again. Even Jesus throught HIS Loving kindness gave judas a chance to come to HIM after betraying the LORD. Many soldiers in the KINGOM of God went through and are now going through serious storms but never took or entertain the thought of taking their own life because that knew know God’s grace is sufficient and HIS Holy Spirit is able to keep them from falling. Over the yrs i heard of troubling stories of professing christians taking their own life. A person who takes their own life put themself in the place of God denying everything Who God almighty stands for who is able to save to the uttermost and to keep us. was old testament saul a believer. he seemed to be a type of judas who betrayed our lord. Please forgive me but God’s grace is sufficient in all all all all all things. thanks for your time Servant of Jesus Christ our Lord
Lost Sheep says
If thou shalt confess with thy tongue, and believeth in thou heart, thou shalt be saved.
Salvation and eternal life is not dependent on works, but on one’s faith in Christ’s completed work on the Cross. He died for our sins of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Including the sin of self murder. No sin but one can void God’s promise of eternal life; which is blasphemy of the Spirit. Suicide will not render His gift of eternal live void.
For by faith ye are saved, and not of works of yourself.
No man may snatch them from my hand.
God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.