All around the world, no one was celebrating Christmas that morning. There were no colorful Christmas decorations. No Christmas music sung by magnificant choirs filled the air. No beautifully-wrapped presents had been lovingly placed under the tree. Children did not awaken early in anticipation of an event-filled day. The aroma… Read More
The Resurrection Changes Everything!
If you had checked the real estate section of the Jerusalem Reporter that week, you might have seen the following ad: Hand-chiseled tomb for sale. Beautiful garden setting. Condition: excellent. Used: only three days. Jesus’ battered body had been prepared for burial. Then He was laid in a borrowed tomb. … Read More
Kings Ride Horses!
Historically, kings ride horses. But this King rode an unbroken donkey—a symbol of humility and peace (Matthew 21:1-11). Jesus rode into Jerusalem, not as a conqueror on a white stallion—that would come later–but as a humble King “endowed with salvation.” “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O… Read More
The testing of Abraham
It’s one thing to say you believe God. It is another to believe God for your children. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was past the age of childbearing. Then, in a miraculous way, as a result of His promise, God gave them a son. Now God is going to test Abraham’s faith… Read More